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Title: Trend Analysis of the Total Magnetic Signature of the Precambrian Rocks in Malumfashi Area of Katsina State, Nigeria.
Authors: Rafiu, Adewuyi Abdulwaheed
Keywords: Analysis, total magnetic signature and precambrian rocks
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Centre for Basic Space Scince, University of Nigeria Nsuka
Citation: 21.Rafiu A.A (2009) Trend Analysis of the Total Magnetic Signature of the Precambrian Rocks in Malumfashi Area of Katsina State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Space Research (NJSR) Vol.6
Abstract: A composite map of Malumfashi area of Katsina state has been compiled at a contour interval of 10 nT. Four half-degree aeromagnetic maps covered the study area. The maps were digitized at 2 km by 2 km grid and combined to for a composite aeromagnetic map of the area. Positive residual anomaly in the area are associated with high closures while negative residual anomaly are associated low closures. The total field in the area trend NE-SW. There is a moderate discontinuity at the left flank area which, might indicate a major fault in the area. The high gradients of the closures show the sharp contact between the Schist belt and granites complex of the area. The negative anomalies reveal a cluster of schists in the area. The sharp contacts together with then presence of rotated xenoliths in granites, suggest that magnetic stopping was the mode of emplacement ofn then granite in the area
ISSN: 0794-4489
Appears in Collections:Applied Geophysics

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