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Title: An Investigation on Refractory Clays Properties for Application in Metallurgical Industries in Nigeria
Other Titles: No
Authors: Muhammadu, Masin Muhammadu
Keywords: Refractoriness, linear shrinkage
apparent porosity, bulk density, cold crushing strength, permeability, electric insulator, temperature, furnace
Issue Date: 18-Jul-2013
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Research
Citation: 2
Series/Report no.: Volume 1, Issue 6;
Abstract: With the present yearning towards industrialization of the nation which has seen the emergence of various metallurgical industries, the need for refractory materials therefore is no doubt of paramount importance and necessity. Items produced from refractoriness include firebricks, crucibles, chimneys and electric insulators etc. The results of the investigation carried out on the refractory properties of clay samples obtained from three different locations in Niger state of Nigeria are presented. The properties obtained include among others, refractories of about 1400oc, cold crushing strength (4.820-14.30MN/M2), bulk density (1.0-2.94g/CM3) and linear fine shrinkage (2.17-4.30%).
Description: No
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering

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