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Title: Enhancing academic achievement in science among high, medium, and low achieving secondary school students through integrated STEM approach
Authors: Yaki, A. A.
Saat, R. M.
Sathasivam, R. V.
Keywords: Integrated STEM approach
Academic achievement
Academic ability levels
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: SEAMEO RECSAM Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah 11700 Gelugor Penang, Malaysia
Citation: Yaki, A. A., Saat, R. M. & Sathasivam, R. V. (2017) Enhancing academic achievement in science among high, medium, and low achieving secondary school students through integrated STEM approach. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on science & mathematics education: Humanising STEM Education for Sustainable Development Goals in the 21st Century. Seameo Recsam, Penang, Malaysia pp958-969
Series/Report no.: 7th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education;
Abstract: Globally, there is an increasing search for contemporary instructional approaches, strategies, environment, and materials to improve the quality of science and mathematics education. Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics drive the economic prosperity of each nation. Therefore, researchers have advocated for an integrated STEM approach to be entrenched in schools. Consequently, the need to investigate the effects of the integrated STEM approach on students’ learning outcomes. In view of this, the study investigated, enhancing academic achievement through to integrated STEM approach among high, medium, and low achieving secondary school students. The study adopted a factorial design 2x3, the sample size is made up of 100 students (experimental 51 and control 49). The experimental group was exposed to a five-phase STEM approach iterative process while the control group was exposed to the conventional teaching method. The instrument for data collection was a genetic achievement test, using the split-half method the instrument was pilot tested and it yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.84. Findings from the study revealed that the integrated STEM approach improves students’ academic achievement. It also showed that low achieving students benefited more with the highest mean score, thus, reducing the achievement gap between high, medium, and low achievers. Conclusion and suggestions for further research were highlighted
ISSN: 2600-7452
Appears in Collections:Science Education

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