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Title: Analysis and Comparison of Key Revocation Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Taofeek, Yusuf
Waziri, Victor Onomza
Abdullahi, Bashir Mohammed
Olalere, Morufu
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network
Key Management
Key Revocation
Intrusion Detection System
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The need for efficient and secure key revocation protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a challenge in the design of protocols that will meet the severe constraints that characterized the WSNs. This study presents analysis and comparison of centralized key revocation protocols in WSNs. In this context, the study presents the representative number of centralized key revocation protocols and a comparative summary of their significant features. The authors carried out a security and performance analysis of the presented protocols based on security goals of confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, availability and their related attacks. Finally, the work compares their security and performance metrics, with the aim of identifying efficient and secure key revocation alternatives.
Appears in Collections:Cyber Security Science

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