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Title: Effects of Peer Assessment on Academic Achievement and Interest of Students in Geometry
Authors: Usman, B.A
Keywords: Peer Assessment, Academic Achievement, Interest, Geometry, Mathematics
Issue Date: Oct-2013
Publisher: School of Science and Technology Education, Federal University of Technology Minna
Abstract: Globally, peer assessment has been confirmed as a strategy which can offer the merits of intellectual structure as well as a socially pleasurable form of transmission of the structure. It can transform learning from a private to a social activity by involving learners in responsibility for their own and more importantly other learner's education, thus increases social interaction within an educating institution and making learning and its end product more rewarding. More so all these reasons make the average students to prefer this mode of assessment. The paper critically reviewed peer assessment technique as it enhanced students' achievement in mathematics (Geometry) comparing the various conventional teacher assessment techniques. The literature reviewed has implications for government, teachers, ministries of education, professional associations and students. Based on the literature reviewed some recommendations were made. These include organization of workshops, seminars and conferences for teachers to enable them practice the recommended peer assessment of this paper in the classroom situation among others.
ISSN: 978-978-52341-0-7
Appears in Collections:Science Education

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