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Title: Survey Of Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation, Job Satisfaction And Job Performance In University Libraries In North-Central, Nigeria
Authors: Saka, K.A
Keywords: ntrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation; Job Satisfaction; Job Professional and Performance; Universities Libraries; North-Central Nigeria.
Issue Date: Aug-2015
Publisher: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED)
Abstract: he study investigated the relationships among intrinsic, extrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance in University Libraries in North-Central Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to find the strength of the relationships among intrinsic / extrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and job performance as well as determining the contribution of intrinsic, extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction to job performance in University libraries in Nigeria. Null hypotheses formulated include: there is no significant relationships among intrinsic / extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction to job performance. There is no significant contribution of intrinsic / extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction to job performance. The target population of the study consisted of professional and para-professional staff in functional University libraries in North-Central Nigeria. The entire population of professional and para-professional staff in the functional university libraries in the zone was adopted. The modified instrument tagged: “Intrinsic, Extrinsic Motivation Job Satisfaction, Job Performance Questionnaire” (IEMJSJPQ) was administered on the two categories of staff in University libraries in the zone. A Statistical Package for Social Science version 17 was used to conduct the statistical analysis. The critical value of 0.125 was used as basis to test the null hypotheses. Multiplecorrelation coefficient and regression models were the statistical tools used to test and analyzed the formulated null hypotheses. The findings showed weak relationships among intrinsic, extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction but strong relationships existed between extrinsic motivation and job performance. There was no significant contribution among intrinsic, extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction to job performance of library staff in functional university libraries in North-Central Zone of Nigeria. The study recommends that the management of the universities in the zone should emphasize on intrinsic motivation such as work itself, recognition and opportunities for achievement so that library personnel can make positive contribution to university libraries.
Appears in Collections:Library Information Technology

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